European Nurse Recruitment

Our Services

Would you be interested in Recruiting European Nurses? Connects European Nurses with foreign companies in the following countries:

Ireland - United Kingdom - Dubai - Abu Dhabi - Saudi Arabia - Qatar kuwait

We work with Direct Employers only.

Care settings; Public Hospital, Private Hospital, Private Clinic, Nursing Home.

When it comes to European Nurse Recruitment, you can rely on us.

We offer the Employers 2 options to Recruit European Nurses through our platform:

Live Recruitment Video

Free of Charge

Live video can help you attract and retain talent by offering numerous advantages compared to other recruitment marketing methods. Authenticity is a key benefit, as you can display your real work environment, team members, and projects without editing or scripting. This builds trust and credibility with your audience, while also highlighting your unique value proposition as an employer. Live video also enables you to interact with viewers in real time, by answering questions, addressing concerns, and gathering feedback. This helps create a dialogue and relationship with potential candidates, while increasing their interest and loyalty. Moreover, live video allows you to reach a wider and more diverse audience.

Full Cycle Recruitment Service

Recruitment Fee: 10%  of the Candidate's Annual Salary

The Full Cycle Recruitment Service is the process that begins with a need or requirement for a candidate and ends when the candidate is successfully hired or placed. It encompasses everything from needing a new employee to onboarding your new hire.

Do you still have any questions? Join our Linkedin Group "European Nurse Recruitment".